The Wholesale and Retail Leadership Chair at CPUT was established as a result of the W&R SETA’s initiative to contribute towards Research and Qualifications development at higher levels(NQF levels5-10.The establishment of the Leadership Chair is intended to contribute substantially to the development of professionalism in the industry. Inherent in the research initiative is the development of distinguished scholarship and reputable research and innovation, as well as the promotion of internationally competitive research. This commitment to research is aligned with the national imperative to encourage more postgraduate studies, to increase the production of traditional research outputs (as defined by research articles, books, book chapters, and conference proceedings)and to expand the pool of researchers that can contribute to knowledge production and generation in our society.
Our vision is to be a wholesale and retail research and academic centre of international standing.
The broader and longer term vision is that this Wholesale and Retail Leadership Centre assumes a flagship role as an integral part of a dynamic and professional organizarion at a location with facilities that support a world class professional image.
This Leadership Chair will, in collaboration with the Retail department at CPUT, offer professional and general academic Masters and Doctoral qualifications that focus on applied research in all the related business disciplines and with a research centre that focuses on the applied research needs of the Retail sector.Read more
Research activities are industry focused. The chair commenced its research programme with a study dealing with the research needs of industry. This results of this study will assist the chair in directing its research activities. Given the the fact that many South African retailers
The Chair basically generates industry relevant information through research. Such information is disseminated through publications and seminars. The chair also facilitates, promotes and supports higher level studies at master and doctoral levels with the main objective of developing professionally qualified retail managers…Read more
Retail landscape
There are a large number of educational institutions offering retail programmes in South Africa and abroad. The growing importance of the field of study also resulted in a number of dedicated retail research units being established world wide at universities since the early 1980’s.
Tracing the academic performances and career development successes of students is a useful tool in determining the relevance of educational and training programmes offered at the university. Successful retail practitioners also serve as role models for prospective students.
Leadership Academy
CPUT offers a range of qualifications preparing students for retail environment. The courses provide students with the knowledge, insight and skills needed to follow a successful management career in the retail or wholesale fields. Retail and wholesale businesses strive to satisfy the needs of consumers by providing the necessary products and services. …Read more